Letter AI Revenue Co-Pilot

Get real-time help from your own AI co-pilot with deep knowledge of your company, data, and products

Real-Time Help for Any Question

  • Ask about product features, pricing, how to objection handle, the perfect way to craft that email, and much more with your own AI co-pilot

  • Connect your company knowledge base, revenue systems, and vetted external data to ensure answers are always accurate and reliable

  • Translate to Spanish, German, French, Japanese, and multiple other languages supported natively

Slack, Teams, or Your Own App

  • Access your co-pilot where your teams work - in the Letter AI app, in your Slack Workspace, and over Microsoft Teams

  • Embed the Letter AI co-pilot in any web application - from your own platform to your company intranet - with just a few lines of code

  • Collect feedback from your team and customers on co-pilot responses to drive the quality improvement flywheel

Connect Your Data Warehouse

  • Connect your revenue data warehouse and ask the co-pilot the details of any customer or deal, at any time

  • Ask questions about sales trends, forecasts, quota and more to mobilize your teams to smash quotas every quarter

  • Combine deal data with sales training & collateral to equip your revenue teams with everything they need to close deals


Enablement that feels like it’s from the future

Powerful, self-serve product and growth analytics to help you convert, engage, and retain more users. Trusted by over 4,000 startups.

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Share team inboxes

Whether you have a team of 2 or 200, our shared team inboxes keep everyone on the same page and in the loop.

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Connect with customers

Solve a problem or close a sale in real-time with chat. If no one is available, customers are seamlessly routed to email without confusion.

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Deliver instant answers

An all-in-one customer service platform that helps you balance everything your customers need to be happy.

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Connect the tools you already use

Explore 100+ integrations that make your day-to-day workflow more efficient and familiar. Plus, our extensive developer tools.

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Manage your team with reports

Measure what matters with Untitled’s easy-to-use reports. You can filter, export, and drilldown on the data in a couple clicks.

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Our people make the difference

We’re an extension of your customer service team, and all of our resources are free. Chat to our friendly team 24/7 when you need help.

Learn more about Letter AI

Reach out for a demo and discover how Letter AI can help supercharge your enablement efforts.

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